🇺🇸【 Walrus Audio 】Phoenix 15-Output Power Supply
Phoenix Power Supply 是市面上少數能夠提供高達15個輸出的獨立電供,利用兩個特製環型變壓器來達到最好的濾雜訊效能並輸出乾淨的電源,讓樂手們能夠有純淨的聲音。
不變的是,再特殊的音色也需要滿滿的能量去推動,Phoenix Power Supply 不像一般電供給變壓器賦予的18V等電壓,而是完整的120V或240V。
Phoenix 擁有高階電供的所有獨立與乾淨的需求,9V/12V/18V等切換也不在話下,重要的是擁有可以支援電流需求較高效果器的300mA輸出,以及完整的一個AC輸出插座可供利用,等於在效果器盤上又出現了一條電源延長線。而狹長的外型,也正好符合現今流行將電源裝在效果器盤下的習慣,成為受樂手歡迎的電供產品!
每個人的效果器總是會有那麼一個需要非常特殊的電源,這時候 Phoenix 上的AC輸出插孔便派上了用場,你可以將變壓器插在AC輸出來為需要特殊電源的效果器供電。
The Phoenix Clean Power Supply is a 15-output isolated power supply, utilizing two internal custom wound toroidal transformers to provide the highest noise filtering and cleanest power, giving artists the purest sound in their signal chain possible.
With its 230V transformers, the 230V version can be used in Europe, Australia, and the United Kingdom.
The Phoenix fits under most pedal boards including Pedaltrain (PT JR and up), Pedal Pad, Blackbird Boards, Creation Music Company, and Holeyboards. We offer a pedal board mounting kit that is sold separately for Pedaltrain type decks. The Phoenix comes in a durable midnight blue texture enclosure and can more than hold up to the demands of touring.
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