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🇯🇵【 Vemuram 】Myriad Fuzz[Josh Smith Signature]


Myriad Fuzz 是矽晶體 Fuzz 和老式鍺晶體 Fuzz 的美好結合。

音色可調整的範圍非常寬,並且有足夠的 Headroom 來達成從極多毛邊的酥麻 Fuzz 到平滑自然的 OD 的多樣音色。

FEEL 旋鈕可以控制鍺晶體的聲音比例,控制您的音色要有多"模糊"。


John Smith:「混合了鍺和矽晶體管的 Myriad Fuzz,它具有令人難以置信的調整空間,但並未因此而變得複雜。這個踏板沒有任何難聽的聲音。不論你將任何旋扭轉至任何位置,你都會獲得很好的音色。它可以像最好的 Vintage Fuzz 一樣乾淨,但又比任何 Vintage Fuzz 都更有活力,Myraid Fuzz 可以輕易地從骯髒混濁的音色,轉變為乾淨且自然的聲響。他不僅有很大的音量,還具備了 tone 控制鈕,讓這顆效果器在現場非常的實用。」




A collaboration pedal with Josh Smith.


The Myriad Fuzz is a hybrid between a Silicon transistor and a vintage Germanium transistor.


The range of the tone is very wide and has enough head room to control the fuzz tone from spitty fuzz to a smooth overdrive fuzz.


The trimmer allows you to control the Germanium Bias with the FEEL knob which will affect the tone of the fuzz.


"The Myriad fuzz started life as one half of my larger Myriad pedal. When it started to become clear how great the fuzz sounded we knew it would need to be released on its own. This is the fuzz I've had in my mind for over 10 years. A unique fuzz that employ's both Germanium and Silicon transistors. It is incredibly tweak-able but never complicated. There is no bad sounds in this pedal. No matter where you set the knobs you get great tone. It goes from fire breathing silicon to cool warm germanium easily, it cleans up like the best of vintage fuzzes, and is more dynamic and organic than any fuzz has the right to be. It goes from spitty to smooth effortlessly. It also has a large amount of volume on tap and a tone circuit that allows it to really work live. I've wanted this fuzz all my life and thanks to my friends at Vemuram we all now get to enjoy it!!!" – Josh Smith


Controls: Level, Fuzz, Feel, Tone, Germanium Bias(Trimmer)

Vemuram Myriad Fuzz[Josh Smith Signature]


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