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🇯🇵【 Vemuram 】Galea


Galea 是個中等程度的破音效果器,同時也很適合用做 Boost。它的音色像是早期的真空管音箱:豐富的泛音和純淨的破音音色。


Galea 的音色概念受到了50年代晚期 Fender Tweed Deluxe 和90年代 Fender Custom Shop 製造的 Tone Master 等許多音箱的影響,不單純只是模仿某個早期的真空管音箱。


Galea有著非常獨特的設計:兩個微型旋鈕 SAT 與 DRV。第一個也是最重要的一個微型旋鈕是 Saturation(SAT),它在提供真空管音箱的滑順音色同時可以調整出不同的聲音特色。如果要形容的話,那麼肯定是用嘶吼來形容 Galea。 第二個微型旋鈕是 Drive(DRV),它控制了訊號的增益和破音程度。


依據音箱破音程度的不同,透過調整 DRV 可以讓 Galea 做為破音或是 Boost 使用,帶來更多的變化性。




The Galea was designed to recreate the legendary late 50’s Fender Tweed Deluxe(5E3 Circuit) and the Tone-Master from the 90’s built be Fender Custom Shop. Equipped with 2 trimmers SAT(Saturation) and DRV(Drive). The SAT trimmers allows you to achieve the tube like tone. The DRV trimmer lets you control the gain of the tone. The 3 EQ controls allows you to achieve many variations and controls your tone of your specific needs.


Controls: Level, Gain, Bass, Mid, Treble, SAT & DRV(Trimmer)

Vemuram Galea Overdrive


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    We support payment via PayMe / FPS / Bank account transfer. Please contact us for more payment details. 

    Products in stock shown on our website may not be updated immediately due to technology constraints. If the product is unavailable after purchase, it would be labelled as “pre-ordered” and mailed to customers right after its arrival. To avoid any inconvenience, customers are encouraged to enquire us about our most up-to-date inventory before making purchases online. 

    Sold products are non-refundable and only defective products are eligible for exchange. If defects are found on the product, please visit our retail store in person for an exchange.

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