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🇺🇸【 Source Audio 】One Series - Collider Delay+Reverb


Source Audio Collider 是一款帶有 Delay+Reverb 的結他效果器,它內置了屢獲殊榮的 Nemesis Delay 和 Ventris Dual Reverb 總共12種 Delay 和 Reverb 效果。


Collider 具有兩個完全獨立的56位信號處理器,面板上有六個旋鈕,提供延遲時間 (預)、反饋、音色、控制1、控制2和混合控制。通過腳踏開關可在 Delay 和 Reverb 引擎之間切換,此外你還可以通過 Neuro Mobile app 和 Neuro Desktop Editor 在內部詳細編輯所有效果處理,並嘗試新的組合以及管理/保存預設。


Collider 的 Reverb 效果包含房間、大廳、 True Spring、板式、Shimmer、 E-Dome 和膨脹。其中 E-Dome(enormo-dome)效果能產生超長而茂密的混響音跡。借用 Ventris Reverb 最大的房間模擬功能,調用大型競技場設置的聲音。Delay 效果包含:數字、模擬、磁帶延遲、反向和 oil can,所謂 oil can 效果可描述為粘稠暗黑的扭曲延遲效果,這是以前出現在 Nemesis 的“擴展延遲引擎”中設計的一種效果。


■ 功能特點

• 立體聲輸入和輸出
• 具有兩個完全獨立的處理器可進行雙重處理
• 使用 Delay 或 Reverb 時仍可保持幹信號穿過
• 具有多種旁路模式
• 總共128個預設,可保存8個自定義預設以及128個通過外部 MIDI 控制器調用的預設
• 通過 Neuro Mobile app 和 Neuro Desktop Editor 可調製雙重效果
• 打點測速功能
• 混響“保持”模式
• 旋鈕“鎖定”開關




Design complex soundscapes in seconds with the Collider Delay+Reverb. We hand-picked 12 standout delay and reverb effects from our award winning Nemesis Delay and Ventris Dual Reverb, and put them together in one compact housing with massive power and dead simple control. The Collider’s intuitive control surface makes it easy to mix-and-match any two-engine combination of delay and reverb. Dual footswitches provide individual Engage/Bypass control over each effect, making it a perfect choice for live performance.


The Collider offers an exceptional collection of rich, spacious tones, including realistic reproductions of vintage Analog, Tape, and Oil Can Delays, classic models of Spring and Plate Reverb, natural replications of large and small acoustic spaces, and an intriguing and highly musical selection of “unnatural” tones including a tripped-out Reverse Delay and an other-worldly Shimmer Reverb.


■ Features:

• Dual 56-bit DSP processors deliver two studio-grade effects at once
• Intuitive interface makes adjustments easy
• Dedicated footswitches control delay and reverb separately
• Complete MIDI functionality allows the Collider to be controlled with external MIDI messages
• Store up to 8 user presets onboard and 120 presets via MIDI program change
• Stereo In/Out can be used for Mono, Stereo, and Dual Mono
• Universal bypass allows for buffered or relay-based true bypass options
• Analog Dry Through allows the dry signal to pass through unaffected
• Compatible with expression pedals for greater functionality See less

Source Audio Collider Delay+Reverb


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    We support payment via PayMe / FPS / Bank account transfer. Please contact us for more payment details. 

    Products in stock shown on our website may not be updated immediately due to technology constraints. If the product is unavailable after purchase, it would be labelled as “pre-ordered” and mailed to customers right after its arrival. To avoid any inconvenience, customers are encouraged to enquire us about our most up-to-date inventory before making purchases online. 

    Sold products are non-refundable and only defective products are eligible for exchange. If defects are found on the product, please visit our retail store in person for an exchange.

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