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🇺🇸【 ISP Technologies 】Decimator II


ISP 作為世界上最專業的音頻設備噪音處理廠商,所推出的 Decimator II 噪音消除器,集合了最先進的專利技術,可以對切音和長延音信號做出最準確的反應,對你的樂曲做出最可靠的噪音處理,它帶來的效果,是一般的減噪效果器所無法比擬!一般的噪音消除器有一個通病,由於原理設計上不可避免的缺陷,因此無法迅速的對短促的斷音和長延音信號做出準確的反映,在釋放響應特徵曲線有一個不可避免的盲區,因此會造成兩個問題,尾音的不自然以及吃音色。


Decimator II 採用了一種叫做時間適量的全新技術來處理輸入信號,能夠對於信號進行幾乎同步的反應並且對於低強度信號有著更加敏銳的響應。這使 Decimator II 具有極其自然的尾音,以及對原始音色的損失降低到最低。可以說這是同類產品中最好的之一了。


ISP Technologies introduces the Decimator II™, second generation of the Decimator Noise reduction. The Decimator II includes improved performance and innovations so unique that it is covered under two new patents pending for these new innovative improvements.


The Decimator II also features improvements in the expander tracking with our new Linearized Time Vector Processing™. This novel improvement provides a more linear release time-constant response for the exponential release curve of the downward expander. While the expander is exponentially increasing expansion and dynamically changing its response to fit the envelope of the input signal, the release response remains linear over a given time period. This increases the smoothness of the release response of the expander and provides the most transparent release response of any noise reduction system available and virtually eliminates any release ripple for incredibly smooth decay of longer sustained notes.

ISP Technologies Decimator II


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    Sold products are non-refundable and only defective products are eligible for exchange. If defects are found on the product, please visit our retail store in person for an exchange.

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